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zkSync ZKsync
zkSync Era or Era ZKsync Era
Hyperchain(s) ZK Chain(s)
The Hyperchain /
ZKsync Hyperchain The Elastic Chain /
ZKsync Elastic Chain
ZK Stack ZK Stack
ZK Quest ZK Quest
ZK Credo ZK Credo
Synclayer ZK Gateway
Hyberbridge (Shared Bridge) ZK Router


Zeek, ZKsync’s cat mascot, is open-sourced, dedicated to the public domain, and designated CC0. This means that you’re free to use, copy, modify, remix, and share your own versions of Zeek without asking for permission.

Zeek Examples (click toggle)

To maintain Zeek’s “Zeek-ness,” we kindly ask that you follow the below guidelines when using the image:

Important: Depending on how Zeek is used it is still possible to violate the rights of others, so make sure to respect others’ intellectual property, publicity, and privacy rights.