Being fast in our hyper-competitive and fast changing industry is a matter of survival. We act with a sense of urgency and focus.

Ride the wave

Everything in crypto is new and extremely volatile. No one has a recipe, we are all running an ever-evolving experiment. Whoever learns fastest, wins. Therefore, we optimize for high number of iterations, not for perfect strategizing.

Sometimes experiments fail. Sometimes they must be aborted before conclusion because new information arrived. We embrace change and take pride in our growth mindset.

We thrive in chaos.


Be jealous of your time

We are prioritizing our time towards the highest leverage activities. Be selective and protective of your time. Optimize for the outcome per time spent.

Fail fast

*“A Good Plan, Violently Executed Now, Is Better Than a Perfect Plan Next Week.”

– George Patton*

Most decisions are cheap to revert. Moving fast and learning from both success and failure is more valuable than trying to figure out all nuances upfront. Don’t waste time on repetitive discussions.

Big, costly, irreversible decisions are an exception to this rule. We take time on them and debate openly. It’s your responsibility to speak up if you disagree.

Once the DRI has made the decision, it is everyone’s responsibility to commit (even if you disagree).